Basketball skills

Catching the ball

Description: Catching the ball is one of the many important aspects in football. Catching the ball is the ability to bring the ball down using various parts of your body to try and keep possession of the ball. This is an open skill because you can’t predict what will happen next and when doing this skill other factors could affect when to perform the skill or when to. this is also a simple skill to perform as it doesn’t take large amounts of coordination, timing or thought processing. Catching the ball is considered to be as a gross skill as it uses many body parts to perform the skill. Lastly it is a discrete skill because there is a clear beginning and end to the skill.

Purpose: To keep possession of the ball, keep the ball away from the opposition and can create time and space whilst continuing the flow of attacking movements. Lastly catching the ball allows you to play the ball so that you can decide your next move.

Technique 1: Jump catch

Preparatory Phase: Watch the ball in the air (depending on how advanced you are you can take one glance of the ball and look around to assess your next move before making contact with the ball) and get your body in line with the flight of the ball. The body weight should be distributed so that can after catching the ball you are able to turn in any direction.

Execution Phase: The moment of contact between the ball and the hands. jump in the air and have your opens out and bring the ball inwards to help cushion the ball.

Follow Through: After catching the ball, land and protect the ball where then you can decide your next move.

Technique 2: standing catch

Preparatory Phase: Watch the ball in the air (depending on how advanced you are you can take one glance of the ball and look around to assess your next move before making contact with the ball) and get your body in line with the flight of the ball. The body weight should be distributed so that can after catching the ball you are able to turn in any direction.

Execution Phase: The moment of contact between the ball and the hands. have your opens out and bring the ball inwards to help cushion the ball. have your hands underneath the flight of the ball.

Follow Through: After catching the ball, protect the ball where then you can decide your next move.


Description: Dribbling is keeping the ball close to your hands and feet and having it under control whilst being able to run with it. This is an open skill because you can’t predict what will happen next and when doing this skill other factors could affect when to perform the skill or when to. this is also a simple skill to perform as it doesn’t take large amounts of coordination, timing or thought processing. Dribbling is considered to be as a gross skill as it uses many body parts to perform the skill. Lastly it is a continuous skill because there is no clear beginning or end to the skill.

Purpose: Trying to beat your opponent, and allows to buy time for your teammates and position yourself for attack.

Technique 1: Close control dribbling

Preparatory Phase: Set your yourself, shift your centre of gravity downwards and have your legs wide out for balance.

Execution Phase: Tap the bounce the ball low to quick taps using your hand (don’t smack the ball) to increase the speed of your dribbling whilst having control and balance. Trying involving your weaker hand when dribbling and look up slightly when dribbling to see where you’re going and the options ahead of you.

Follow Through: After passing your opponent decide your next move (pass/shoot).

Technique 2: Dribbling using skill moves

Preparatory Phase: Set your yourself, shift your centre of gravity downwards and have your legs wide out for balance.

Execution Phase: Tap the bounce the ball low to quick taps using your hand (don’t smack the ball) to increase the speed of your dribbling whilst having control and balance. Trying involving your weaker hand when dribbling and look up slightly when dribbling to see where you’re going and the options ahead of you. use a combination of tricks such as spin move, crossovers etc.

Follow Through: After passing your opponent decide your next move (pass/shoot).


Description: Shooting is where an athlete would shoot to try and score a goal. Shooting can be done in 2 forms for example a jump shot or a lay up. This is an open skill because you can’t predict what will happen next and when doing this skill other factors could affect when to perform the skill or when to. this is also a simple skill to perform as it doesn’t take large amounts of coordination, timing or thought processing. shooting is considered to be as a gross skill as it uses many body parts to perform the skill. Lastly it is a discrete skill because there is a clear beginning and end to the skill.

Purpose: To beat the goalkeeper so that your team can score a goal. Shooting however can also be used to make the keeper deflect the ball in the path of a teammate.

Technique 1: Layup

Preparatory Phase: Dribble towards the basket at a quick pace still using your arms and legs for balance then jump off one leg.

Execution Phase: Once jumping off one leg use either hand to shoot the ball into the net or against the backboard. shoot by letting the ball roll of your fingers and into the net (finger roll technique).

Follow Through: After shooting land on both feet.

Technique 2 : Jump shot

Preparatory Phase: You can do a jump shot after any move. have your knees slightly bent and have your arms and back arched backwards whilst holding the ball.

Execution Phase: Whilst shooting jump and put backspin on the ball by flicking your wrist as you shoot. as your shooting you can either lean backwards or forwards to get extra height on the ball or to angle your shot.

Follow Through: After shooting land on both feet and stay in the shooting stance when flicking your wrist.


Description: Key part in basketball that is used to help keep possession and to help your team move up the field whilst it makes it harder for the opposition to attack and get the ball. there are two main forms of passing: bounce pass and a chest pass. This is an open skill because you can’t predict what will happen next and when doing this skill other factors could affect when to perform the skill or when to. this is also a simple skill to perform as it doesn’t take large amounts of coordination, timing or thought processing. Passing is considered to be as a gross skill as it uses many body parts to perform the skill. Lastly it is a discrete skill because there is a clear beginning and end to the skill.

Purpose: To keep possession and advance up the field to create a chance to score.

Technique 1: Bounce pass

Preparatory Phase: You can use either both hands or on hand to bounce the ball. have your feet out wide for balance and keep in a stable position. hold the ball with both hands or one hand at chest level. knees should be slightly bent.

Execution Phase: When passing step with the lead foot or non pivot foot and the basketball should hit the floor about 2/3 or 3/4 of the distance from you towards your teammate. The ball should arrive at the midsection or waist of the teammate.

Follow Through: Finish with your hands out.


Technique 2: Chest pass

Preparatory Phase: Have your feet out wide for balance and keep in a stable position. hold the ball with both hands at chest level. knees should be slightly bent.

Execution Phase: Step into the pass with your opposing foot instead of your pivot foot. Take a step forward whilst releasing the ball and extend your arms as you pass the ball towards your teammate. Keep your eyes on your teammate as you make the pass to make sure it reaches your target.

Follow Through: Finish with the hands fully extended and thumbs pointing in and down and have your wrists snapping inward. have your fingers pointing towards your target.

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